Magic Words

Emotions Evoking Categories

We’ve built the reader experience around emotion evoking classification system we call Magic Words.

Our classification methodology replaces what we believe is an outdated premise of genre. Genre is too narrow for the complexity of the demand of readers and the stories of modern era. Many thriller stories have a romance through line. Many revenge stories have a historical reference of note. Additionally, genre serves a functional distribution purpose of agent/publisher specialty and shelf identification. Neither of which exist in a mobile app.
rAthe’s methodology will make your stories visible to mobile app users who would not have seen them because they will be in the purview of a word that reminds them of a familiar genre. You can tag his/her work to that word and five other Magic Words to in which to classify the tenor of the content of the story.

Whereas the Search Array is elements specific to your story, Magic Words are the overall tenor of the story. Our Magic Words have multiple important functions for you the author. They are the basis of our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methodology for maximized searchability of your content on the web and are the basis for our classification system for our readers.

Each of our Magic Words (the ones rotating on our home page) has words and phrases that are likely to make your hook line show up higher in search on the web which is referred to as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. The higher your hook line shows up on Google the more likely that search will drive readers to the rAthe app to find and read your story.

Patent Pending © rAthe®2020
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