The Life and Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe (Gutenberg Project ™) image

The Life and Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe (Gutenberg Project ™)

Doing what you want to do isn't always the best idea. Robinson Crusoe is a classic case.

Daniel Defoe image

rĀthe release date: October 14, 2019

Obsessed with sailing and railing against what his Father wants for him. Young Robinson sets sail. At first, it goes OK. Then it doesn't. He ends up in servatude-- a slave. Escapes with a a buddy and ulimately has his own plantation. But when he decides to embark on yet another voyage to procure slaves from Africa, he ends up shipwreked and alone. He is ultimately rescued and returns to England.



Adventure,Adventure books,Action adventure,Adventure stories,Adventure novels,Escape,Escape reality,Beat the winter blues,Lost in a book,Liberating,Fadeout,Science Fiction,Subculture,History,Black history,Historical figures,World history,Historical Romance,Western,History buff,Historical,Biography,Autobiography